Welcome to Kempshot Grammar Academy

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Our Departments

Explore a wide range of services tailored to your needs.



Providing a nurturing environment for infants and toddlers to explore, learn, and grow during their earliest years of development.



Kindergarten (KG1 and KG2): A vibrant and engaging introduction to structured learning, fostering creativity, socialization, and foundational skills for lifelong education.


Lower Primary

Lower Primary (Class 1, Class 2, Class 3): Building upon foundational skills, fostering curiosity, and igniting a love for learning through interactive lessons and hands-on activities.


Upper Primary

Upper Primary (Class 4, Class 5, Class 6): Guiding students towards academic mastery, critical thinking, and independence, preparing them for the challenges of higher education.


Junior High School

Junior High School (JHS 1, JHS 2, JHS 3): Empowering students with a comprehensive education that promotes intellectual growth, character development, and leadership skills for future success.


Extracurricular Activities

We offer a diverse range of extracurricular activities, including sports, music, and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) programs.


Welcome to Kempshot Grammar Academy, a distinguished institution within the Ghanaian education system, offering a comprehensive educational journey from crèche to junior high school. Established in 1998, Kempshot Grammar Academy has been a pillar of academic excellence, nurturing young minds and shaping futures for over two decades.

Our school prides itself on providing a seamless educational experience, beginning with our crèche and kindergarten programs, where the foundations of learning, socialization, and creativity are laid. As students progress through lower and upper primary, they are guided by dedicated educators who instill a love for learning and critical thinking skills essential for success in the modern world.

In our junior high school, we continue to uphold our commitment to excellence, preparing students for the challenges of higher education and beyond. With a focus on academic rigor, character development, and leadership skills, we empower our students to become responsible global citizens and leaders of tomorrow.

At Kempshot Grammar Academy, we recognize the importance of a well-rounded education. That’s why we offer a diverse range of extracurricular activities, including sports, music, and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) programs. These activities provide students with opportunities to explore their interests, develop their talents, and build essential life skills such as teamwork, perseverance, and creativity.

Our school boasts a team of experienced and highly qualified teachers who are dedicated to nurturing the academic, social, and emotional growth of every student. With modern facilities and resources, including well-equipped classrooms, libraries, laboratories, and sports facilities, we create an enriching learning environment where students can thrive.

Over the years, Kempshot Grammar Academy has produced prominent alumni who have excelled in various fields, serving as role models for future generations. Their success is a testament to the quality of education and the values instilled at our school.

As we look to the future, Kempshot Grammar Academy remains committed to its mission of providing a holistic education that empowers students to reach their full potential and make positive contributions to society. Join us on this journey of learning, growth, and discovery at Kempshot Grammar Academy, where every child’s potential is nurtured and celebrated.

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